BCS TOURS is formed by a group of local Entrepreneurs committed to the Destination, whose objective is to promote BCS as a tourist destination throughout the world through its culture
BCS TOURS is formed by a group of local Entrepreneurs committed to the Destination, whose objective is to promote BCS as a tourist destination throughout the world through its culture
BCS TOURS is formed by a group of local Entrepreneurs committed to the Destination, whose objective is to promote BCS as a tourist destination throughout the world through its culture, history, natural beauty and vocation to welcome travelers from all corners. of our planet. The friendly and relaxed people of BCS, the mountains and canyons of the desert, as well as the wonders of the Aquarium of the World (as Jacques-Yves Cousteau named the Sea of Cortez) and the Pearl of the Pacific, are some of the things we offer to travelers and show you why BCS is worth visiting at least once in your life.
Through this Portal we want to show the World what its gastronomy tastes like, what its flowers and the sea smell like, what the texture of its sand feels like, the warmth of its people, and how you can hear the singing of the birds, the blow of the whales and the sound of the dolphins and as icing on the cake what BCS looks like where the mountains meet the sea and its islands.
-- Working at BCS TOURS has been an unforgettable experience, I recommend their services, come experience trips to the Islands and explore the underwater bottom. --
Victor M. Vargas
Diving Instructor
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